Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Life is Like One Chicken's Balancing Wire Act

It has been quite some time when I last saw a chicken perched atop a tree to roost. That's why when I saw this chicken balanced precariously on a wire like a bird, I cannot stop myself taking its picture.

I would say the same with life in the camp. I went to Asia Source II with not much expectations, that is, thinking it would be another of those training seminars I have attended in the past. Oh, how very wrong I was. Asia Source II is one experience to remember. Forever...

Life in the Asia Source II was a balance of sorts. Achieving this was primarily through RESPECT - a must in the camp. In fact, there was a conscious effort on my part to strike a balance between me and the new friends that I made. Observing them across different languages, gestures, and behaviors was a challenge I was willing to take. There was no space for indifference nor any reason to offend. But again, a balance must exist on everything that was being said and done. Doing so was very rewarding indeed. It gave me more than 100 wonderful new friends in two weeks.

To "chicken out" means to withdraw or to back out or plainly being scared. But that chicken on the wire did not "chicken out." Instead, it bravely viewed life below while balancing itself. Otherwise, it may never see it at all.

So my dear new friends, let's balance our lives and live long.

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